Geology: Mapping, Analysis, Modeling
Another mainstay of our range of services is the processing of projects with geological issues. From our point of view recording of geological base data from field studies as well as sampling are essential. Our geologists elaborate and evaluate resultant analyses having deep knowledge of the requirements for the specific issue of each project.
Our offers of projects with geological issues are as diverse as geology itself. Those range from quick geochemical analyses of single samples to modeling of element concentrations of whole deposits or from mapping of individual structures in surface mines to evaluation of seams and their position regarding quality parameters. Further we offer the analysis and evaluation of soft rock in terms of facies, geochemistry and extension.
Consulting & Research
Our consulting tasks are characterized predominantly by quality issues of deposits. Thereby the arising fundamental investigations of lignite seams and their host rock constitute the main part of projects having geological objectives.
Beside coal (“black coal”) and oil shales, which are processed by Dr. Bertrand Ligouis in Tübingen, the main competence in Lauta is the geology of lignite, their depositional properties and stratigraphic correlation. Yet these projects led us in all three German lignite districts whereas the focus lies on the surface mines of the Lausitz district.
Geological consulting services:
- Analysis and evaluation of lignite/coal regarding quality issues
- Evaluation of geogenic influences on lignite/coal quality
- Modeling and characterization of seams/deposits
- Facies identification of primary types of moors and bogs as tool to stratify lignite seams
- Field geological studies and sampling of lignite/coal as well as sediments
- Evaluation of geochemical issues within deposits or production processes
- Evaluation of bedrock of oil deposits
- Analysis of sedimentary basins and their organic sediments
On the one hand the research part regarding geology is part of our consulting tasks. Over long periods of time research projects arise having focus areas in formation and stratigraphy of deposits in mostly coal/lignite bearing, sedimentary units. On the other hand clearly defined research projects can be realized by scientific work, partly assisted by students.
Research projects:
- Impact of tectonic movement on primary moor facies within the formation period of the 2nd Lausitz seam in the surface mine Nochten
- Sedimentological formation and heavy mineral content of selected sands of the Meuro- and Rauno-Formation
- Study of the formation and occurrence of Tertiary quartzite in lignites of the 2nd Lausitz seam
- Geochemical analysis by mobile XRF spectroscopy for characterizing sedimentary units
Beside the usual methods of geological work, like literature research, geological field studies, as well as the presentation of results as geological sections or 3D models, we develop further methods to accomplish our geological tasks.
This applies for example mapping and sampling in poorly accessible areas by the help of rope-supported work methods. Further, as a method for effective mapping of chemical parameters as well as a tool for sampling, geochemical analysis by XRF spectroscopy was developed.
- Sampling and usual field geological methods
- Rope-supported work in poorly accessible areas
- Macropetrographic analysis of lignite for facies identification at the seam
- Drill core logging
- Geochemical analysis of lignite/coal for element identification (e.g. S, Fe, Ti, Zr… by XRF spectroscopy)
- Mapping of seam thickness and host rock to characterize the geometry of deposits
Geology: Coal quality treatments at the Lausitz lignite surface mine Nochten
For providing consistent, high-class feedstock for the customers of the Nochten mine, detailed knowledge of quality data is necessary already by developing of the mining strategy. Mined from the 1st and 2nd Lausitz seam is lignite for either power station or refinement with different primary resource qualities.
Geology: Mapping of sulfur content at the surface mine Nochten to designate lignite for refinement
Beside the parameter ash the content of sulfur is of significant importance for producing pulverized lignite, lignite briquette and fluidized bed lignite. These products run through processes where no smoke desulfurization is envisaged.
Geology: Study of selected section areas of the exploratory drilling in the forefield of the surface mine Jänschwalde
To clarify geological issues, geochemical point of views can provide helpful arguments. At this project we have been instructed to run an element screening at a drill core using the XRF handheld device and perform an evaluation of the element content.

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Aktuelle Meldungen
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News // Geologie // Umwelt // Mikroskopie // Archäologie
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