Archeology: Faciel correlation of archeological findings to the oil shale layers of the Kimmeridge Clay at the south coast of England
Archeological findings of armlets and other objects in the western Switzerland produced questions to the origin of the artifacts and the trade relationships in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Basically the findings are composed of oil shale from close to Autun (France) and the English coast (Dorset). Comparing the micro facies of the findings with on site taken samples conclusions about the original feedstock of the former craftsmen can be drawn.
In autumn 2010 we were able to realize a sampling at the English south coast, close to the village Kimmeridge (Dorset). Following stratigraphic aspects several oil shale layers of the Kimmeridge Caly, near Brandy Bay and Clavells Hard, were sampled and transported to Tübingen for analytical work. Currently the samples are in process by Miriam Vogler, who presents parts of the results in the context of her master thesis.
Also in this area of work the connection between organic petrology and archeology is very productive. Having lots of expertise Bertrand Ligouis contributes significantly to answer archeological issues.
Detailed explanations and numerous pictures of the Kimmeridge Bay geology and the sampling points can be found at the following link provided by Dr. Ian West. Link »
project overview
- Disposals by the wayside
- Deposits in systems of industrial facilities
- Analytics of fibers
- Microscopic analysis of construction material
- IHS-Cinder-Conditioning
- Seam anomaly in the open-pit mine Welzow-Süd
- Sediment petrographic investigation of the Meuro Formation
- Scanning Electron Microscopy of dust precipitations
- The "Venus" vom Hohle Fels
- Investigation of corrosion in plant engineering and construction
- Study of clinker formation in power plant processes
- Survey of geological structures using GPS
- Maceral analysis and microscopic evaluation of peat samples
- Evaluation of a coal seam sequence in the surface mine V. Schleenhain
- Coal quality treatments
- Faciel correlation of archeological findings
- Mapping of sulfur content
- Study of selected section areas of the exploratory drilling in the forefield of the surface mine Jänschwalde
- Xylite classification
- Cuticular analysis
Special methods
Organic Petrology
Microscopic analysis of carbon rich samples for classification of facies and maturity level