Environment: Maceral analysis and microscopic evaluation of peat samples
The maceral analysis is a micro-petrographic determination method. The investigation of peat, as well as brown coal and lignites, is carried out according to microscopic respectively visual characterized basic components, the macerals. The composition of the peat provides information on the degree of decomposition (humification degree) and the calorific value.
The peats are air-dried and crushed gently. This is followed by embedding the material in cold-curing epoxy resin and the production of polished sections, whose examination take place with reflected light microscopy using the point-counter method (1000 counts per polished section). The maceral analysis is internationally defined by ISO 7404-33. The terminology corresponds to the "International Handbook of Coal Petrography" (International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology - ICCP 1971, 1975 , 1985 , 1994).
In addition to the organic components, minerals such as quartz, iron compounds, carbonates, clays or biogenic components, like diatoms, can be determined in the maceral analysis. With regard to the minerals, iron compounds are in primary focus currently, as they pass from the dump through the waters due to groundwater resurgence and cause sludges which reduce, inter alia, the groundwater quality.
Studie Wasserbeschaffenheit Nordraum Spree - LMBV
project overview
- Disposals by the wayside
- Deposits in systems of industrial facilities
- Analytics of fibers
- Microscopic analysis of construction material
- IHS-Cinder-Conditioning
- Seam anomaly in the open-pit mine Welzow-Süd
- Sediment petrographic investigation of the Meuro Formation
- Scanning Electron Microscopy of dust precipitations
- The "Venus" vom Hohle Fels
- Investigation of corrosion in plant engineering and construction
- Study of clinker formation in power plant processes
- Survey of geological structures using GPS
- Maceral analysis and microscopic evaluation of peat samples
- Evaluation of a coal seam sequence in the surface mine V. Schleenhain
- Coal quality treatments
- Faciel correlation of archeological findings
- Mapping of sulfur content
- Study of selected section areas of the exploratory drilling in the forefield of the surface mine Jänschwalde
- Xylite classification
- Cuticular analysis
Special methods
Organic Petrology
Microscopy analysis of carbon-rich samples